Tuesday 23 July 2019

Let's Get This Started

I’ve intended to write blogs multiple times. Come up with the name, post one article and then… nothing. I think that the issue has been that I’ve always wanted to do something else at the same time and chose the more relaxing option. With my mental health being all over the place over the last few months in particular I’ve decided to do something healthier to sink my time into instead of reaching for a bottle. Writing is something I’ve started and stopped doing on occasion but following recent events, and the amount I’ve written offline, I’ve found it helps me to get my thoughts out there instead of cluttering my mind.

So what do I intend to write about on this platform? The truth is… anything and everything. I haven’t set this up for any purpose other than to get my writing out there and to help with my mental health. Sometimes the writing will be political; sometimes it will be a casual declaration that I love a book; sometimes it will just be a funny observation I’ve had that day.

The first post (beyond this introduction) that will be uploaded is a piece about coming to terms with the death of my Auntie and the complexities of an Atheist’s lack of belief, yet desire for afterlife. Starting out with light reading for sure. There’ll be no set pattern as to when I write because I don’t know what I’m going to want to write about, or how long what I want to write about will be. Expect periods of radio silence one month, and almost daily updates the next.

Thanks for taking the time to read the ramblings of a confused twenty-something at a weird stage of his life.

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